
Posts Tagged ‘mind games’

8 weeks out

How can this be, it 8.5 weeks from the beginning of my 2014 race season. Its still 2 months out but seems like its just around the corner. So much work done, so much to do. I’m working on some little things and some really big things. I’m working on continuing to build my mental strength – i think its the biggest jump I’ve made this last year. During the fall field test I struggled to stay in the game…. 20 minutes was an eternity and i couldn’t hold it together.  This weekend we retested, while i don’t have the numbers yet, i believe they went up by about 15 watts. More importantly I was there, in the game, the entire time. It still hurt, but i was able to come up with a plan, execute the plan and hang on for a strong finish. I was looking for 200 watts, although i didn’t get there I am very proud of the effort I put down. I’m working on consistency and committing to workouts. Not just the ones I like, but the ones I am dreading or scared of as well. I am trying to push in each workout and make sure that I am not taking the easy way out.I am working on cleaning up my eating and understand what fuels me best.  I’m doing my best to get good sleep and lots of water. But as i was reminded tonight …I need to make sure I am living in the now, not 8 weeks from now. While I have work to do to get there, I need to make sure that i am taking advantage of things that aren’t on my schedule, that aren’t on plan. Enjoy each day as it comes, with all its ups and downs, because thats what life is about. 

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