
Posts Tagged ‘5’

I made it!! The first 7 days are done 🙂 Planning workout time of 8:15. Completed workout time 8:05. One missed block – a 15 minute transition run planned post-trainer ride today. I was thwarted by group trainer-roading and a massive (3″ people! thats massive around here) snow storm. I don’t think I have done this well on a week – EVER! So stoked and proud. 

Made the commitment to yoga this week too. I am joining my friend Ashley in a Jan 1st challenge to touch my toes. Not sure when my hamstrings and glutes got so tight. I can touch my toes when I’m really warm (generally only after a run). I am looking forward to being able to do the stretches in class and actually touch my toes without spending an hour on the treadmill. We got some homework on friday – half sun salutations and some static stretching. Stoked to have done this both days. And its pretty unreal how much those sun salutations wake me up and get my breathing going! Looking forward to continuing this. 

One thing i do need to get my hands around is nutrition … i love spending time with my friends and it seems that alot of times thats going out for dinner and drinks. We are working to make food at home and go out later for a beer or two. This helps keep the eating out (and costs) down. The problem is thats a lithe hard when we are tired and uninspired. Picked up a vitamix and lots of good veggies and fruits this week. I am hoping to mix it up a little and make some new stuff. Started tonight with a really yummy (i know right?) kale and potato soup. It was surprisingly good. 

Tomorrow starts a new week and it looks like some strength work. Its also the day of team announcements for Rev3. I’m pretty sure I’m not on the list – but i am so grateful for the application. It knocked my out of the Tahoe funk before it got deep and treacherous. I was able to focus on ending the season on a strong note (2 prs? thats strong in my book) and got me excited for this coming season. I had a blast writing the application and thinking about all the fun that Rev3 brings to the table. Planning on participating in at least 2 this year. I have a long way to go before races start – but you know what? bring it!!

Oh yeah – its snowing!! And although i’m not skiing much i am still loving it. Pretty magical even here in PA. 

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